Experiencias con el método Zettelkasten e Emacs
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Rediseñando mi blog personal
Notes about Functional Programing with Julia
Sway + Neovim + Tmux + Julia: 3 Data Science Workflows
Other Blogs I follow around the web
Arch, Debian, Suckless and wrapping up the Linux experience
Fundamentals: The Bill Evans Aproach
Consider to use webrings for your site
From Mastodon to Free software: My little experience
A brief ideas about language learning. What is worth learning?
Creating your own blog with Julia and Franklin
set up NeoVim + Tmux for a Data Science Workflow with Julia
Sway: The brief introduction to tiling window managers
Finding Comfort in the GNU/Linux Desktop
How to scrape data with Python using selenium and Pandas
World Happiness Report - EDA & clustering with Julia
Using evotrees.jl for time series prediction
Why did I start a blog?
CC BY-SA 4.0 Navi. Last modified: March 10, 2025.
Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.