Hanabi Factory

Navi's Personal Blog

Rediseñando mi blog personal

Durante un tiempo había estado trabajando en el blog para acercarlo a algo un poco más amigable a la lectura, así como algo que fuera más simple para mi de operar al momento de hacer cambios, como también del como se ve el blog y el proposito de este. Aquí algunos de los cambio. Repensando el nuevo logo Desde hace unos días he pensado en hacer un logo propio que pueda usar como sello personal.


Notes about Functional Programing with Julia

Notes about Functional Programing with Julia I am writing here some general ideas that were taken from some sources like boot.dev about functional programming, many of these sources were written in Python and I just rewrote Julia in most of the cases. Because Julia is a program more suitable for FP I considered a good exercise in the long run to translate the concepts that I am learning about this paradigm.


Sway + Neovim + Tmux + Julia: 3 Data Science Workflows

Sway + Vim + Tmux + Julia: 3 Data Science Workflows Occasionally, I reviewed my workflow with different tools and saw if that was comfortable enough for the development process. When I was using Vim, someone pointed out that they were using it for data science, which caught my attention. I tried to experiment with different ways I could use the tool. Using Vim as a tool to replace Jupyter Notebooks first took a lot of work, mainly because I missed the experience of seeing all the plots and data in just one website and being able to scroll all around.


Other Blogs I follow around the web

I want to write here briefly about other people who have a blog and write about interesting things (at least in my opinion), so if you are curious check it out and add their rss feed to your rss reader (newsboat, rss bridge, etc). The blogs I follow have at least these characteristics. It is not part of a centralized platform: Medium content creators are not invited, I expect the people to have their own website.



En un par de meses más cumpliré 2 años viviendo en Japón, y por supuesto, estar expuesto al idioma y aprendiendolo mientras hay energías. Quiero compartir aquí algunas ideas sobre el idioma. Desafíos En su momento cuando me dediqué a estudiar inglés para mejorarlo, pensaba que ser bueno en inglés era casi un don, porque el idioma era recomplicado para mi, a pesar de haber tenido una base de estudios en el colegio y en la universidad.


Arch, Debian, Suckless and wrapping up the Linux experience

If you want to read the spanish version visit the following link After spending some time tinkering with a second-hand ThinkPad T480 that I ended up buying in a remote corner of the city where I live, I’ve been trying out different Linux distributions and desktop environments, but overall I’ll focus on two distributions that in my opinion are the most important: Debian and Arch. In addition to this, I wanted to try out a new Tiling Window Manager that had also caught my attention, as well as a set of software that embodies an interesting philosophy: Suckless.


Fundamentals: The Bill Evans Aproach

A long time ago, I was really into music. I was learning guitar and practicing in my free time as much as I could. I also like jazz. I am not an expert on the style, but I like the freedom and virtuosity of this kind of music, and I listened to some of its exponents. One of them was Bill Evans. Bill Evans was a genius pianist in the jazz scene, with his authentic and complex style, he could easily partner his reputation with other giant musicians like Miles Davis and John Coltrane, and if you have heard something about this music, you will probably know that the most popular album of all times “Kind of Blue”, Evans was one of the musicians that took part of this masterpiece.


Consider to use webrings for your site

“Hey you Out there beyond the wall Breaking bottles in the hall Can you help me?” — Roger Waters Do not make a wall for your website, that place that in case of any visitor want to come and read any article or all your blog, feel that there is nothing more to see an return wherever he came. Instead, give it more where he can continue his fly.


Sway: The brief introduction to tiling window managers

I can’t lie to you that I’ve had some free time these days, which I’ve taken advantage of to learn about GNU/Linux Desktop. By installing it on two laptops, I’ve been able to learn about the kernel and the Ubuntu and Fedora operating systems. However, when I began my journey, I was playing in a safe environment like GNOME, this window manager that provides almost all the tools you need to start without having to tinker too much.


Finding comfort in the GNU/Linux Desktop

I have been a Windows user for most of my life, and for a little over two years, I have used MacOS; this article talks about my reasons and experiences in using GNU/Linux as an operating system, the transition, its strengths, and weaknesses. My first motivation is a mixture of curiosity and the desire to find a free operating system, with the same idea in mind in my previous post where I wanted to move more towards free software, the main piece was the operating system.

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